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Handpan or Hang drum: how to quickly master it?

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Embark on the musical adventure of the handpan or hang drum , a sonic journey to enrich your quest for well-being and pure melody . This guide is specially designed for beginners who want to master this unique percussion instrument without delay.

We will cover the fundamentals, from choosing your first handpan , through the notions of notes and scales , to the first playing techniques.

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Get ready to turn your passion for steel hang drumming into a tangible skill, creating moments of tranquility and harmony from the very first notes.

Also read: Master the handpan with these advanced techniques

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1. How to learn to play the handpan quickly?

Quickly mastering the handpan , this captivating percussion instrument, requires commitment and strategy. Here is an action plan to accelerate your learning and guide your journey:

  • Selecting the right instrument
Choose a handpan that suits your needs, whether it's a beginner's model or an original handpan with a specific range, such as 432 hertz for relaxation or 440 hertz for composition.
  • Using online resources
Explore tutorials on platforms like YouTube or join steel pan forums and communities to exchange tips and techniques.
  • Practice regularly
Consistency is key. Set a practice schedule to develop your skill and familiarity with the notes and rhythms of the handpan .
  • Experimenting with music
Don't be afraid to improvise and create your own melodies. Experimentation encourages creativity and strengthens your connection with the instrument.
  • Receiving feedback
Share your progress with the handpan community or with a mentor to get constructive feedback and guidance for your musical development.

By following these steps, you will optimize your musical journey with the handpan, quickly transforming your passion into a true artistic expression.

Ready to groove to the mesmerizing sound of the handpan? Discover our collection of unique instruments and explore your musical creativity today! Visit our collection here

2. Start your learning alone

440 hertz handpan for composition, beginner handpan

Solo handpan initiation takes advantage of the brain's extraordinary ability to learn and adapt quickly. This autonomous approach, with full concentration and progressing at your own pace, is ideal for those who aspire to excel quickly. Here are two main paths to begin this learning:

a. Online Tutorials : An invaluable resource, offering a plethora of lessons and tips for getting started, exploring different techniques, and progressing in mastering the handpan.

b. Dedicated learning methods : Guides and books specifically designed for learning the handpan, ideal for structuring your progression and developing a deep understanding of the instrument.

These options encourage personal exploration and experimentation, which are key to developing a unique and personal approach to handpan music. By embarking on this path, you will discover not only the basics but also the subtleties that make handpan playing so rewarding and therapeutic.

3. Watch videos on YouTube

YouTube is a pure wonder of the internet, and you should be able to take advantage of it. There are many videos on all sorts of topics and a fairly impressive number of tutorials that describe in great detail the process of learning anything you want. Sometimes, they are even sequenced over several days or weeks to allow you to assimilate more quickly.

In addition, by learning with YouTube videos, you have access to both sound and image. This makes it easier for your brain, allowing you to shorten the duration of your learning. An advantage of the handpan is that you do not necessarily need basics to play it. In other words, no matter your profile, it is accessible to you, and you can therefore develop your own style.

4. Take lessons from great players like David Charrier

To excel in any field, it is always important to follow the same steps as the greats. For this purpose, it would be wise for you to follow the free tutorials , which are often provided by the great players like David Charrier .

In most cases, they will explain their first steps, as well as the mistakes they had to make. They will even give you some tips that will make it easier for you to assimilate the notes.

Exercises will be offered to you so that you can acquire your own basics and subsequently improve your techniques. David Charrier will tell you, for example, not to rush your first encounter with the handpan. When you play the hang drum , the first goal is not to put on a show and satisfy an audience. On the contrary, you must at all costs play for your own pride, you must play for your pleasure, for your satisfaction.

Ready to vibrate to the sound of the handpan? Start your musical journey by choosing a quality handpan at the right price from Zenapan and start taking lessons from the greatest players, like David Charrier!

Click here to explore our collection!

5. Get professional help often

original handpan, 432 hertz handpan

If you plan to become a good hang drum player very quickly, it is obvious that you need outside help. By learning on your own, you progress, of course, but slowly. To learn faster, while making as few mistakes as possible, you must hire a handpan professional and a trusted person.

a. Hire a handpan professional

There are many handpan teachers online. Of course, their services are paid, but if you apply yourself, you will reach your goals very quickly. With professionals, you will have a precise learning program . The days, as well as the durations of the courses are well defined. In short, rigor is required, so that the initial objectives are reached more quickly.

If you have a flexible enough schedule, and the necessary financial means, you can even opt for private lessons at home. There, you will be able to learn, for example, how to sit better before playing. It will also be an opportunity for you to learn how to hold your instrument properly, and to strike each note with the normal force or pressure. Thanks to private lessons, you are also introduced to the musical ear , as well as the perfect mastery of rhythmic cells .

b. Ask for help from a player near you

musical instrument, percussion, well-being, second-hand handpan

In case you lack financial means, you can always opt for free private lessons. To do this, just get along with a close friend of yours who is used to playing the hang drum , and who has mastered its various subtleties. If you are on good terms with the latter, he can help you for free, or charge you a low price. In addition, a person close to you easily shares his experiences with you, and you do not necessarily have any taboo or embarrassment in asking questions. He is even more inclined to reveal his little secrets of success, so that you can progress more quickly.

Moreover, anyone close to you will have a less busy schedule, and will therefore be willing to help you even late at night if inspiration strikes. The trusting relationship that exists between, for example, your uncle and you, improves your learning speed and helps you to be more inspired.

But there is no miracle in music. To progress faster and learn quickly, you need to train daily and rigorously. Because without training and rigor on your part, it is impossible to gain a level quickly.

Explore our full collection here to choose the best hang drum for you.

6. Buy the right musical instrument

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The quality of the handpan , as well as its appearance, is very important when you are starting to learn the instrument. A poor quality instrument significantly reduces your chances of producing attractive melodies. Similarly, the appearance of your hang drum is a key factor that motivates you to play regularly. For example, if you are a nature lover, a green handpan would suit you well, and will be quite motivating for you. It is available on our site, just click on this green handpan link to get one.

At ZenaPan , you not only have handpans of very good quality, but also of quite varied colors and shapes. It does not matter if you are at a beginner or intermediate level, you have handpan models adapted to your level. The other advantage with us is that you receive your orders very quickly. The sustain is very well balanced, while the instrument itself is very solid .

In addition, the online shop allows you to place your order no matter where you are. Click on this link new handpan and you can already imagine receiving your handpan in perfect condition. ZenaPan offers you the possibility to pay for your new handpan in several installments and up to six installments. Order your own handpan now at ZenaPan.

7. Summary of techniques and tips to quickly master the Handpan

To help you quickly master the handpan or hang drum, here is a summary table of key techniques and tips:

Technique/Tip Description
Choice of instrument Select a handpan suited to your level and musical goals, favoring easy scales for beginners.
Daily practice Dedicate some time each day to practice to build your skill and familiarity with the instrument.
Active listening Listen to handpan pieces to develop your musical ear and inspire your own creativity.
Recording and feedback Record your practice sessions to track your progress and get constructive feedback from those around you or the community.
Courses and community Join online classes or groups dedicated to handpan to learn in a structured way and share experiences.

These tips are designed to accelerate your progress and enrich your musical experience with the handpan, making learning as enjoyable as it is effective.

What you need to remember

Taking up the handpan or hang drum requires dedication and exploration. By following our advice, from choosing your instrument wisely to committing to regular practice and integrating into a community, you will discover the rich world of handpan music .

Whether for relaxation , composition , or simply the pleasure of playing, each note played will bring you closer to artistic mastery and deep inner harmony with this unique instrument .

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1. How long does it take to learn to play the handpan?

With regular practice, the basics can be acquired in a few weeks, but fully mastering the instrument can take months or years, depending on your commitment and passion.

2. Is the handpan a good instrument for beginners?

Absolutely, the handpan is ideal for beginners thanks to its intuitive range and ability to produce a harmonious sound from the first attempts, providing instant gratification and encouraging learning.

3. Where can I find handpan lessons?

Lessons are available online in the form of video tutorials, online courses, or you can search for local workshops and teachers who offer personal training for a more in-depth learning experience.

4. What budget should I plan for a quality handpan?

Prices vary widely, from a few hundred to several thousand dollars for a quality handpan. Think of it as an investment in a durable instrument that will enrich your musical life.

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